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Becoming a Dental Hygienist in Vermont

People who work as dental hygienists assist dentists with a variety of tasks, such as cleaning teeth, applying bandages to sutures and operating dental equipment. They also discuss dental health with patients. In Vermont, hygienists must be licensed and registered as Registered Dental Hygienists (RDH) to practice.

Requirements for Dental Hygienists in Vermont

Prospective dental hygienists musts attend a dental hygiene program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) in order to be eligible to take the national dental hygiene exam. They must pass this standardized licensure exam before they can begin working in Vermont.

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Dental Hygienist Schools in Vermont

The majority of dental hygienist programs consist of two-year associate’s degrees. To enroll in most of these programs, applicants must hold a high school diploma or equivalent. Dental hygienist programs are available at community colleges or technical schools. The following programs are two options for Vermont-based students:

  • Vermont Technical College. Vermont Technical College offers a bachelor’s and associate’s degree in dental hygiene. The associate’s degree program is designed to be completed in three years, and all students in both programs are assigned a dental hygiene faculty member to advise them throughout the program.
  • New Hampshire Technical Institute (NHTI). Based in nearby Concord, NH, this program places a large emphasis on clinical work experience in the NHTI dental clinic. Applicants who have successfully completed college biology or science courses have a strong advantage in the application process.

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Dental Hygienist Licensure in Vermont

Dental hygienists must pass the National Board Examination as well as a state exam accredited by one of the following:

  • Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA)
  • The Council of Interstate Testing Agencies, Inc. (CITA)
  • Central Regional Dental Testing Service, Inc. (CRDTS)
  • The Southern Regional Testing Agency (SRTA)
  • The Western Regional Examining Board, Inc. (WREB)

Dental Hygienist Salary in Vermont

Jobs for dental hygienists in Vermont are expected to be -1 percent in the 10 years from 2018 to 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average salary of a dental hygienist in Vermont is $71,660 per year.

Working as a Dental Hygienist in Vermont

Entering a career as a dental hygienist allows you to work with your hands, meet new people each day and enter the medical field without extensive schooling. Dental hygienists typically receive the highest salaries in larger cities, such as Burlington, Vermont, though work can be found in dental offices, clinics and other healthcare facilities throughout the state.

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Cursos de Higienista Dental en Vermont